App Development Update

We are excited to announce that the app is progressing nicely. The game board has been rearranged in a way that feels more natural to play. All 127 unique Supply Area cards that can be played from a player's hand or capital now function with all game zones correctly. Natural Wonders are also functioning and purchasable. The next steps will be getting the 27 Ancient Wonders and 23 Modern Wonders functioning as planned.

Here are some screenshots to keep our fans up to date:

Here's how the game looks on a generic turn:

Here's how it looks when you want to see what a purchasable card does (in this case, Steam Engine):

If you'd like to purchase a card, click the bottom right cost of it and you get the purchasing screen:
Oops! We don't have enough resources for that!

At this point the base game is well over 50% done and we're very excited to start to implement an AI to play against. That's all for now, thanks to all of our fans and keep checking our website to stay up to date on your latest Fate of Empires board game info!


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